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Domestic passport

Domestic passport + copy of main page and page with permanent registration.
Citizens of Russian Federation with permanent registration in the below regions: Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Murmansk, Novgorod, Pskov & Leningrad and Republic of Karelia should apply for a visa in VMS Italian Visa Center in Saint-Petersburg.

Citizens of Russian Federation from the other regions should present documents from the list below:

1. The reference from: job / school / university or copy of individual entrepreneur certificate or the copy of the ownership certificate of real estate in above cities and regions or document of the ownership of real estate in this region. For details…
2. The copy of temporary registration in above cities and regions issued at least a month ago and valid for not less than 6 months (original + copy)

Kindly note that it is necessary to provide a temporary registration issued only by such authorities as Ministry of Internal Affairs or UFMS. You can also provide a temporary registration with a digital signature, issued from the website GOSUSLUGI.

For citizens of other countries:

1. The reference from: job / school / university or copy of individual entrepreneur certificate or the copy of the ownership certificate of real estate in above cities and regions or document of the ownership of real estate in this region. For details…
2. Documents to prove they are legally resident in the territory of Russian Federation in above cities and regions such as residence permit or temporary registration issued at least a month ago with date of expire at least after 3 months after return from the Schengen area and valid for not less than 6 months (original + copy). Kindly note that it is necessary to provide a temporary registration issued only by such authorities as Ministry of Internal Affairs or UFMS.