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Information from the Consulate

Dear applicants!

The Consulate General of Italy in St. Petersburg informs that visa applications with the date of departure in less than 15 calendar days are not accepted for consideration. In compliance with art. 9 (1) of Regulation 810/2009 (Visa Code), applications must be submitted no more than six months before the start of the intended journey.

Due to the huge influx of applications, persistent staffing limitations at the Consulate General of Italy in St. Petersburg after the retaliatory expulsions, as well as more thorough verification of visa applications of citizens of the Russian Federation by the European Commission, processing of visa applications can take up to 45 calendar from the date of submission of documents, as stipulated in Art. 23 (2) of the Visa Code. Shorter deadlines may be applied only in cases of serious and proven urgency.

Please take this information into account when planning your trip and we strongly recommend that you apply for a visa well in advance. We also urge you to be wary of unofficial agencies and anyone offering simplified visa application procedures. Only VMS (Visa Management Service) is authorized to accept visa applications according to the territorial competence.

Thank you for your patience! Wishing you a magical trip to Italy. Have a safe trip!

Matteo Cristofaro

Consul General of Italy in St. Petersburg

Dear applicants!

All people travelling to Italy from a foreign country for any reason are requested to read carefully the contents of the link:


Coronavirus disease
Cancelation of trips due to the emergency situation related to coronavirus. Visa reissue. For details…

Visa fees

Information about booking an appointment at the Consulate

Information about visa center VMS

Important notice

The possession of the visa does not grant immediately the right to entry in the Schengen area. The owner of the visa, being on the border of the Schengen area, has to present a passport with a valid visa and, at the request of the border police,necessary documentation confirming the purpose of stay. For details…

Notification on the protection of personal data of individuals when issuing visas for entry into Italy and the Schengen countries (General Data Protection Regulation (EC) 2016/679, ST13)

The Consulate General of Italy in St. Petersburg urges to BEWARE intermediaries who promise to issue a long-term multiple visa for a certain fee. Continue…

“Selected residence” visa
Finally, we remind that Italy established special NATIONAL visa, which permit to stay on the territory of Italy during the unlimited period of time, on condition of the applying of the appropriate residence permit, renewable directly in Italy upon the completion of the validity of the visa, for those who decided to choose our country as Permanent Residence (even during several months and not only during the year). This type of visa is called “Selected Residence”, and will be issued to those who can show enough financial sources possession, allowing not to perform any work activity at the territory of Italy.

No more queues!

You can book an appointment to submit a visa application in General Consulate directly, using the new system Prenota OnLine or by phone. You don’t need to stay in a queue and waste your time waiting. You can book the time period of your visit at work or at home in comfortable settings.

All information is on our website: www.conssanpietroburgo.esteri.it

We are closer!

Russian citizens and travel companies in Petrozavodsk, Pskov and Arkhangelsk can submit documents in new Visa centers VMS, which are now open. Follow spb.italy-vms.ru for all the information about Visa centers!